Many people don’t see the value of their extended auto warranty until something goes wrong. Knowing you are covered when you get into an accident or suffer a mechanical breakdown can bring great relief, but figuring out next steps may not be so clear if you aren’t familiar with your plan.
Continental Warranty makes it easy to get things moving so you can get your vehicle fixed and get on with your life with as little hassle and stress as possible. That’s why we wanted to go over the repair claims process. That way you are ready to act when something goes wrong on the road.
Get Back on The Road
So you are on the side of the road with a vehicle that needs some help. What do you do first? With an auto warranty from us, the first thing you can do is call roadside assistance to get a tow truck on the way. This way you can get your vehicle off the road and get you out of danger as soon as possible. Once that’s done, you should contact us so we can be sure when your car gets to the repair facility.
Any qualified dealership nearby will do. We work with dealerships, national chain automotive repair shops, and quite a few independent shops as well. If you are in an unfamiliar place, then our customer service representatives can recommend a local shop that Continental Warranty has worked with in the past.
Once it gets to the facility and the problem is diagnosed, the service center will contact our claims department before any repairs are actually performed to make sure everything is authorized. From there, everything is taken care of so you can just relax and wait for your vehicle to be finished. Some of our plans include reimbursement for rentals if the repairs take a few days.
Contact us today if you are looking for some extra coverage for your vehicle. For more information, give us a call at (302) 375-0401.