Car Breakdown ClaimsHave you ever seen “that car” on the side of the road, and secretly felt bad for that person. What if that person ends up being you one day? When you’re in a terrible situation like a vehicle breakdown, there is little room to feel sorry for yourself.

Many drivers don’t know that they can, in fact, purchase extended car warranties that can and will come in handy. All vehicles have issues over time. You don’t get an extended car warranty until your current warranty runs out. By this time a few miles have accrued on your vehicle and that actually means greater risk of something going wrong.

Continental Warranty Inc can give you great rates on extended car warranties, but would also like to give you a few tips on what to do during a breakdown. After all, if you were “that car” on the side of the road, would you know what to do?

Car Warranty ClaimsJust Sit There

Seriously, just sit there, but not in the middle of the road!

A vehicular breakdown can occur for many reasons, the mechanics may stop working, a flat tire, or even the dreaded empty fuel tank all have and do happen. The first thing you can do is get off the road. At this time it is important that your vehicle is recognizable by other vehicles. Turn on your hazards, interior lights, and anything else you have that will help people to see you are broken down. This would be a good time to break out your roadside emergency kit, especially since it’s a roadside emergency.

A good emergency roadside kit should include a first-aid kit, warning light, hazard triangle or flares; fire extinguisher, car jack and lug wrench, tire gauge, foam sealant (for minor tire punctures), flashlight, jumper cables, spare fuses, gloves, clean rags, roadside assistance number, disposable flash camera, small bills and change; pen and a pad of paper. That may seem like a lot, but when you’re actually in an emergency situation you’ll appreciate it.

Keep the doors locked and wait inside your vehicle with your seat belt on. Waiting outside your vehicle on the side of the road can be very dangerous; there are still other cars on the road! Your best bet is to stay safe and secure inside your own vehicle. It is good to note here that you should not accept help from just anyone. When someone approaches your vehicle, only roll down the window a crack to speak. If you know the person or if it is a person of authority and you feel comfortable, then and only then go ahead and accept help. Basically, use good judgment.

Depending on what type of extended car warranty you have purchased, the whole thing may be covered at no cost to you! Contact Continental Warranty, Inc to see what kind of extended car warranties they have to offer you – we know you’ll be thanking us in the long run!

Car Warranty Coverage